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- Date: Fri, 23 Sep 94 08:31:32 PDT
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu
- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #1053
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Fri, 23 Sep 94 Volume 94 : Issue 1053
- Today's Topics:
- 147.555 Repeater
- Collins Newsletter???
- Learning CW
- Queen's University of Belfast Radio Club
- Restrictive Covenants: I
- Restrictive Covenants: I can't have *any* antenna?
- TH-75A mods (marine VHF broadcast)
- W5 QSL bureau
- when is my license going to arrive!!!!
- Wilmoington, NC packet freq's?
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 1994 14:35:33 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!convex!darwin.sura.net!coil!venus.nist.gov!onyx.nist.gov!proctor@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: 147.555 Repeater
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In message <35qjso$g76@crcnis1.unl.edu>, mcduffie@unlinfo.unl.edu (Gary
- McDuffie Sr) writes:
- >
- >Not quite... just because you bring up the repeater doesn't mean you
- >are interfering with anyone's communication. Unless you wipe out the
- >guy trying to use the repeater (if there happens to be one at that
- >time), you aren't interfering. You may be heard when the guy quits
- >talking, but that isn't interfering since the other guy is overriding
- >the weaker input. On the contrary, if there is a qso going on on the
- >input frequency (a known simplex channel), and someone comes on and
- >tries to use the repeater, he may well be the one causing harmful
- >interference to the .535 users! THAT'S why the repeater has no
- >business being on a simplex channel in the first place.
- >
- >Gary
- >
- There was an article in the Dec 15, 1993 WESTLINK REPORT (front cover) that
- tells of a ham who put a repeater on 147.49 MHz, caused interference to a
- simplex net, and received a notice from the FCC that the operation of a
- non-coordinated repeater may not cause interference to other amateur operators.
- The notice said that Section 97.205 states that an uncoordinated repeater does
- not have the same right to use of the band as simplex operators or coordinated
- repeaters. The notice also warned that failure to comply could result in loss
- of license.
- If someone puts a repeater in the simplex band, I'd say the odds are it is not
- coordinated :-).
- James E. Proctor
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- My opinions are my own. I have the receipt to prove it
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 94 14:28:34 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!aries!hawley@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Collins Newsletter???
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- hpaik@silver.sdsmt.edu (H. Paik) writes:
- >>Is there such a thing? If so, where do I write/email for a listing?
- >I am not sure it is still running.
- >They have a collins net on 14.233 (?) around 2:00-4:00pm (MST) on Sun.
- >The net controller (Jay ?) is the publisher.
- >He lives in my town. If you need more info, let me know.
- >kf0bi
- It's 14.263 +/-tube type vfo drift.
- Chuck Hawley, KE9UW in Urbana, Illinois
- hawley@aries.scs.uiuc.edu
- School of Chemical Sciences, Electronic Services
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 20 Sep 1994 15:57:34 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!dog.ee.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!swrinde!sgiblab!sgigate.sgi.com!odin!chuck.dallas.sgi.com!adams@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Learning CW
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <35dq9i$9em@nova.np.ac.sg>, s2202629@np.ac.sg (Teh Aik Wen) writes:
- ...stuff deleted...
- |>
- |> PS: I just took my theory this Auguest, the results have yet to be released,
- |> and my morse don't seem to be going too well... 8( Oh yes, an effective way
- |> to learn morse, everywhere you go, just look at signs and 'CW' them out - -
- |> thats what my friend taught me, he's a radio operator in the Singapore Navy
- I wish to thank Teh Aik Wen for reminding me of this, i.e. converting text
- that you see to morse. I had forgotten all about it and I still do this and
- wasn't aware of it until I saw this posting.
- 1. When you first learn the alphabet, do billboards and road signs
- 2. When you get the numbers down, do license plates. You get
- random groups of letters and numbers, thus don't get stuck
- in a rut with the same thing over and over (unless you count
- random combos of 36 symbols of letters and numbers a rut). :-)
- If you think that you ever want to do mobile CW operation, put an
- oscillator (keyer with sidetone) and key/paddle in the car. NOW
- KIDS, if you do this, read all the articles ever written on mobile
- CW operation and practice safe driving first. If you can't do
- two things at once (like me and walking and chewing gum), then
- don't even think of doing this. :-) I can just see you explaining
- to the local police, lawyers, judges, insurance companies, and the
- jury what you were doing when the accident occurred. I was sending
- OH SHoot when it occurred. :-)
- Of course, if you commute with a group or in a train/bus, this will
- distract others and probably bug the heck outta them too.
- dit dit
- --
- Chuck Adams K5FO CP-60
- adams@sgi.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 12:37:49 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!bt!bfsec!jmagee@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Queen's University of Belfast Radio Club
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Queen's University of Belfast Radio Club
- ========================================
- The Queen's University of Belfast Radio Club is a club for both students and
- staff of Queen's University of Belfast. It meets every Tuesday night at
- 37 Fitzwilliam Street from 7:30pm to late.
- The QUB Radio Club's activities range from Amateur radio to computing and all
- manner of electronics. No matter what your departments or how non-technical
- your background QUB Radio Club has something to interest YOU.
- Amateur Radio
- -------------
- The club has range of radio equipment covering all available frequency bands
- from 160m (shortwave) up to 23cm (microwave). We have facilities for the
- transmission of speech, morse code, television and computer data. Also
- available is equipment for reception of weather data from polar orbital
- satellites. Our equipment, substantial technical library and the expertise of
- our many associate members are available to all our members.
- Contests- are you tough enough to carry a generator and four radio stations up
- a mountain and then operate those radio stations continuously for 24 hours?
- Computing
- ---------
- We have computers ranging from our BBC microcomputer through our two Commodore
- Amigas (including a 4000), PC and three DEC PDP-11 minicomputers to a DEC VAX
- 11/725 and two DEC VAX 11/750s. These machines are used by our radio network
- for data communications and for our programming courses and competitions. The
- details of the first competition will be available soon. We also intend to run
- a C programming course. We have also in the past entered a competition, which
- was sponsered by BT, to design a computer network and we won the first
- price of 3000 pounds beating a number of University departments.
- Electronics
- -----------
- The electronic skills within the Club pervade all our activities. We convert
- commercial radio equipment to Amateur frequency bands and also maintain, repair
- and interface our computer equipment. We construct such devices as may be
- required from time to time.
- To join the club come to 37 Fitzwilliam Street on a Tuesday night or join the
- club at a discounted rate at the Fresher's Bazar in the Students Union on
- Friday 30th September.
- Posted by Jonathan Magee
- jmagee@bfsec.bt.co.uk
- u9229728@qub.ac.uk
- for the Queen's University of Belfast Radio Club.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Sep 1994 16:15:35 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!dog.ee.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!convex!news.duke.edu!eff!news.kei.com!ssd.intel.com!chnews!tboza@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Restrictive Covenants: I
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- My wife and I (correction, me) had the same problem when looking for our new
- home. We found several homes which were just perfect in everyway, HOWEVER they
- had this antenna deed restriction attached. After 8 months of looking and looking
- we finally found a older home in a upscale part of the city that DOES NOT have any
- antenna deed restrictions. I guess the moral to my story is, it all
- depends on whats more important to you. Sometimes you can't have everything, you
- have to bend, give and take. In my case, being the hard-core ham that I am, no
- antenna deed restrictions were more important then a swimming pool. I'm also very
- lucky to have a wife that understands me (and ham radio).
- Tom WB7ASR...
- In article <d3.4518.124@alley.com>, john.hiatt@alley.com (John Hiatt) writes:
- > MRD>My wife and I are looking at a new house... Its a nice house... Nice
- > MRD>neighborhood, nice neighbors... You know, the kind of house that's
- > MRD>just... well..... Nice. EXCEPT!
- >
- > MRD>There's this one little clause in the deed restrictions:
- >
- >
- > MRD>Antennae: No exterior radio or television antenna or aerial or satellite
- > MRD>dish receiver, or other devices designed to receive telecommunication
- > MRD>signals, but not limited to radio, television, or microwave signals which
- > MRD>are intended for cable television, network television reception, or
- > MRD>entertainment purposes shall be erected or maintained, except by
- > MRD>Declarant, without the prior written approval of the architectural review
- > MRD>committee.
- >
- >
- > MRD>Pardon me, but I thought this wasn't legal? Can someone post, email or
- > MRD>point me to relevant legal precedent which makes the clause invalid?
- >
- > I was always under the assumption that anything was legal as long as
- > someone was stupid enough to sign it without having it checked out by a
- > lawyer.... Just my $.02 worth.
- >
- > John KC7DRI
- >
- > ---
- > * OLX 2.1 TD * Sleep is a damn lousy substitute for Mountain Dew!
- >
- >
- > {===================}-{=====================}
- > | /_/_/ Origin : Norton's Alley BBS \_\_\ |
- > | \/_/\ Location: Hayden Lake, ID. /\_\/ |
- > | /_/_/ BBS : (208) 772-6218 \_\_\
- > {===================}-{=====================}
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 08:46:07 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!csn!col.hp.com!news.dtc.hp.com!hplextra!hplb!hpwin055.uksr!hpqmoea!dstock@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Restrictive Covenants: I can't have *any* antenna?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Mike Weihman (mikew@herbie.sr.hp.com) wrote:
- : Play hardball... stand firm if you want your hobby unencumbered.
- : Money (or lack thereof) is the only common language to fools that
- : write drivel like this into their home contracts.
- : -mike
- House builders will only rethink these lovely clauses when they see
- people walking away from what they thought were sales because of them,
- and realise that it's hitting them in the pocket.
- If amateurs would only visit the occasional new housing tract and
- invest a few hours in acting like a well heeled punter, and then walk
- out because of the clauses...... Expressing interest in all the
- expensive options helps - builders make particularly high profits on the
- optional bits.....
- I once bought a car with real, live cash. I took along a few percent
- less than they would probably accept, in a cardboard box. Took it out,
- wad at a time, counting it. Oh dear! not quite enough, I'll either have
- to save a little more, or go for the other brand. The salesman's nerve
- just wasn't up to the sight of the money going BACK into the box.
- House builders don't really care about these clauses, they just think
- that they help sales in some circumstances, all we have to do is
- highlight that they also lose sales in some circumstances and we can
- reverse the trend.
- So how are things going, Mike ?
- Cheers
- David GM4ZNX
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 21 Sep 1994 21:31:55
- From: panix!zip.eecs.umich.edu!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!nwnexus!olympus.net!olympus.net!vaughnwt@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: TH-75A mods (marine VHF broadcast)
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <CwHrtw.7q2@borland.com> eomiya@genghis (Elliot Omiya) writes:
- >From: eomiya@genghis (Elliot Omiya)
- >Subject: TH-75A mods (marine VHF broadcast)
- >Date: Wed, 21 Sep 1994 18:10:43 GMT
- >Is it possible to modify a Kenwood TH-75A (2m/440) so that it can
- >broadcast on VHF 9 and 16 (I think 16 is 156.800 but I'm not sure).
- >Also, is it "legal" to do such a modification?
- >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- >Elliot H. Omiya, KC6DAL Borland International Inc. [\] -=<EHO>=-
- >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is very illegal. You will be better off just buying a marine radio. They
- are much cheaper than ham gear. And you will have a 25 watt rig. Even after
- you get your marine station license it would be cheaper than your handheld.
- Don't take short cuts with your safety on the water.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 13:29:59 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!dog.ee.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!usenet.ufl.edu!draco.nova.edu!rd1.racal.com!rm1.interlan.com!tavernin@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: W5 QSL bureau
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <9409191226.ZM9749@SALCIUS2>, Wayne_Estes@csg.mot.com (Wayne_Estes) writes:
- |> Is there a problem with the W5 QSL bureau?
- |>
- |> I sent in envelopes over a year ago. About a month ago I sent in another big
- |> envelope and a card addressed to myself asking how many envelopes I have on
- |> file, and asking them to send any cards that are being held. I still have
- |> gotten no response. I put lots of postage on the envelopes and followed the
- |> instructions in the QSL bureau FAQ's.
- |>
- |> If any other W5 stations are getting responses from the W5 bureau, please let
- |> me know what your secret is.
- |>
- |> 73 de Wayne Estes WD5FFH wayne@csg.mot.com
- |>
- On a related note ... I sent a couple of envelopes when I got licensed
- (Early February of this year) to the 4-land bureau and was wondering ...
- how often do they mail out the cards to the hams that have envelopes on file!?
- Do they wait until an envelope gets filled? Do they send them out regularly
- (i.e. every three months) regardless of the number of cards in the envelope?
- I know some of my cards that went out via the bureau made it (since I did
- get direct responses from two V2 hams!) and was wondering what was happening
- on the return.
- Thanks,
- Victor Tavernini KE4JMY/AA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 02:42:31 GMT
- From: panix!ddsw1!a2i!mlyon.a2i!mlyon@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: when is my license going to arrive!!!!
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- i am really getting mad. i see all these posts saying that people that
- have taken the test a week after i did have recieved their licenses. what
- the fuck is up with mine? well i guess it just another case of the 'ol
- federal government.
- c-ya,
- mlyon@rahul.net
- --
- Mike Lyon <mlyon@rahul.net>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 13:05:47 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!dog.ee.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.edu!chpc.utexas.edu!news.utdallas.edu!corpgate!nrtphaa9.nt.com!brtph560!b4pph13e!cnc23a@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Wilmoington, NC packet freq's?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <35pue2$gie@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>, tigger@prairienet.org (Sean E. Kutzko) writes:
- |>
- |> Hiya-
- |>
- |> I may be moving to Wilmington, North Carolina. Does anybody have
- |> info on Packetcluster/BBS accessiblity in this area?
- |> Thanks & 73,
- |> Sean Kutzko KF9PL
- |> --
- |> "well, I did it... NOW what?"
- Wilmington 144.95 N4MYB-1 DXW Packet Cluster 1200
- Wilmington 145.69 KD4JRX-4 WXBBS BBS 1200
- --
- ======================================================================
- Ken M. Edwards, PE Bell Northern Research, Research Triangle Park, NC
- (919) 991-4769 email: cnc23a@bnr.ca Ham: N4ZBB Packet: n4zbb@n1gmv.nc
- DX PacketCluster (tm) Node : W4DW
- All opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of
- my employer or co-workers, family, friends, congress, or president.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 14:27:55 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!nntp.msstate.edu!olivea!sgigate.sgi.com!odin!chuck.dallas.sgi.com!adams@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <CwFr00.L25@odin.corp.sgi.com>, <CwGFB6.HJ6@bigtop.dr.att.com>, <35r344$jm6@crcnis1.unl.edu>
- Subject : Re: Learning CW [long]
- Gang,
- OK, I don't have any time on my hands, but where there's
- a will....
- Do not repost this to the internet. You will be flamed
- if you do because of the length and you don't want that.
- Also, let's not use up bandwidth for flamewars etc., just
- email to me direct and do not, i repeat, do not post your
- values to this group. I'm sure they are not interested
- at this time and we both will get flamed big time. I'm
- going to take enough flak as it is. :-) If you don't
- know how to use your mailer on your system, then print
- this off and mail to me at the address listed within.
- I'll write "the" book on CW, but I need some help. Your
- help in fact. I'll credit everyone who contributes and
- I don't think you'll get a free copy of the book, but I'll
- try. This is going to be dependent upon the publisher.
- Obviously you'll need to write a chapter or more to be
- considered. Give me your resume if you want that much
- attention and I think you don't. :-) I'll take no
- royalities from the publisher for this work except to
- cover out of pocket expenses such as postage and phone
- charges.
- I'll do a FAQ if it hasn't already been done for just CW.
- Here's the idea. Book plus 3 CDs. Book has study guide,
- history of CW, world record holders, answers to the disks,
- Phillips-Adams chart for abbreviations, QSO formats and variations,
- and there will be several tests on the disks that if you
- copy and send in you get a certificate (but the ARRL already
- does this) along with tables of freqs and schedules for all the on
- the air practice you can find. Book will be typeset using
- LaTeX and 1200 dpi printer. Audio will be produced at
- 44.1K for CDs and 48K for DAT using DSP in a workstation with 2.5mS
- rise and fall times shaped to reduce or prevent "thumps"
- on make and break with no (absolutely no) background
- hiss, no crosstalk, and all that other crude you hear
- in other media. Variation in tone frequency to break
- the monotony.
- The CDs will have 6 hours of practice and tests using one
- channel of the stereo pair, thus the double time. I think
- that someone makes a cheap switch for attaching stereo headphones
- and getting one channel, R or L, out. I think this critter is used
- for books on tape (no wonder illiteracy is at an all time high).
- :-) Anyway, saves time and money. I'll send note to Wayne
- Green (CD wizard?) and see if he can give us a deal on CDs. :-)
- I know that we're talking about some serious money here in
- range of $50 or so for the whole kit and kaboodle (sp), but
- education is expensive no matter how you get it - K5FO.
- I can generate perfect CW at ANY speed. We'll shoot for Farnsworth
- spacing until 15 wpm and then it's regular code from there on up
- to 40 wpm. Then if there is enough interest to finance the project
- then we'll try for 60 wpm on another disk.
- Section of code samples for contest operations
- 1. SS
- 2. FD
- 3. CQWW
- 4. DX tests
- 5. Cracking a pileup for calls.
- Some one give me the history of Farnsworth. I have a reel-to-reel
- tape more than 25 years old that uses it, but it wasn't called
- anything back then. Did Farnsworth come along after that? I don't
- have a date for same.
- I'll take email listings of all books and materials that you
- personally own related to CW operation and/or learning. Anything
- that will help or that I may not have in my library.
- This whole project may flop due to the anti-code backlash and
- a lot of bad attitudes about code in general, but
- what the hell. Let's go for it. No flames please. This is a
- project, not a policy making decision. :-) Take that to
- rec.*.*.policy or whatever it's called.
- Here's some statistics that I need for testing a couple of
- theories. Please fill in the following table (don't return
- this text, I've already read it) and email to me. The USPS
- is too slow. But if you just gotta, Chuck Adams, Box 181150,
- Dallas, TX 75218 (not the callbook address please).
- If you are a newbie and about to learn the code, how are you
- going to go about it? If you know some code or all of it, fill
- out the following and email to adams@sgi.com.
- <optional survey follows> Please be honest with me and
- yourself. I'd like this to be serious work. All data
- will be confidential except the tally and interesting
- points and comments may be made public without releasing
- source of info unless permission granted or needed.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Name:
- Call (if any):
- internet email address:
- Do you know the code?
- How long have you known the code?
- What is your current code speed? Listen to ARRL practice
- session if you are not sure and see what it is.
- Your age, if you don't mind me asking:
- How did you learn the code? Sight or sound? Tapes, on the air
- listening, computer generated, .... ? What books and who's
- materials did you use? ARRL? W5YI? Gordon West? Other(s)?
- Did you learn using Farnsworth spacing? This will test if
- there is a bias in the technique (maybe).
- Do you know how long it took you to memorize the characters?
- and numbers? and punctuation? and prosigns?
- How long did it take you (approximately) and how much
- practice per week to get to 5wpm?
- How long did it take you to get to 13wpm?
- How long did it take you to get to 20wpm?
- Make a table if you want for the above information.
- Tell me about layoff times if you had them.
- Guess at how much time per week you spent during these
- periods and how that time was spent, i.e. did you get
- a license and then get on the air?
- Are you think you are stuck at some speed and what is that speed?
- Do you think you count dits and dahs for numbers?
- Do you use pencil or pen when writing to paper?
- Do you print or write when writing to paper?
- Do you use a typewriter? If so, what is you max typing speed?
- How do you think you translate from sound to characters?
- Is this process automatic or do you have to really concentrate?
- Do you know at what speed in wpm you read a newspaper?
- Do you use CW at all or part time now?
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- I may have left something important out, but hey, that's life.
- tnx es gl
- dit dit
- --
- Chuck Adams K5FO CP-60
- adams@sgi.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 07:20:53
- From: dog.ee.lbl.gov!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!zip.eecs.umich.edu!yeshua.marcam.com!news.kei.com!ssd.intel.com!chnews!ornews.@@ihnp4.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <CwHG6z.737@pica.army.mil>, <35q2uf$fkv@news.CCIT.Arizona.EDU>, <35snps$h4q@freenet3.scri.fsu.edu>cs.umic
- Subject : Re: Radio Shack 2m amp
- In article <35snps$h4q@freenet3.scri.fsu.edu> sjking@freenet3.scri.fsu.edu (Steven J. King) writes:
- >> I recall 2w in, 30w out; preamp and helical filter for receive. The helical
- >> filter should be great when using an intermod-prone HT with a base-station
- >> antenna.
- >> Price? I think it's $119.
- >What is and does a helical filter do essentially? When I first saw it
- >in the catalog I noticed it did not have a switch to turn off the
- >pre-amp (like my Alinco brand HT amp does). On my amp, I have to turn
- >off the pre-amp when I'm in town because of the intermod.
- "Helical resonators" is a buzzword for a sharply tuned bandpass filter. The
- term was the subject of much awe when I first got licensed--like they had
- magical powers. Folks would get on two meters and brag, "MY radio has helical
- resonators in the front end". Sounds like hype, but yes, I've found that
- *well-designed* bandpass filters constructed of "helical resonators" are an
- effective weapon against letting out-of-band signals into your receiver where
- they can mix 'n match and work their way into your IF.
- But like all filter, they do induce some additional loss, so the preamp' is a
- good idea. Question is: what is the preamp's gain and noise figure? High
- gain with high noise is worthless... And yes, being able to kill the preamp'
- would be very desirable. Perhaps it's connected in parallel with the power
- amp, so that the switch either bypasses the amp/preamp' completely, or
- switches inline the amp/preamp'. The catalog didn't specify what the
- arrangement was.
- Incidentally, I took advantage of RS' current sale on the HTX-202 and picked
- one up for a spare radio to keep here at work. I must say that while it's
- larger compared to other available radios on the market, IMHO it's offers good
- performance/features for the buck. I'll still use my Yaesu FT-530 and FT-73R,
- but the HTX-202 looks like it'll be a good secondary radio to have around,
- and it didn't cost nearly as much as any of my newer HT's either.
- 73's,
- Collier Chun
- NM7B
- NM7B/R
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #1053
- ******************************